When people think about braces, it’s common to think about head gear, retainers, and middle school; but, as many adult patients discover, adult orthodontics can be a critical tool for improving the health of your mouth. It’s easy to appreciate the cosmetic benefits of braces when crooked or crowded teeth are straightened, but what’s equally as important are the underlying functional benefits of braces. Simply stated, teeth that fit together properly work better and last longer.
We frequently see adults with advanced wear, chipped teeth, collapsed bites, and changes in lip support due to the instabilities of a bad bite. As teeth wear away over time, they often drift and rotate. Inevitably, these teeth begin to contact one another in an unhealthy and progressive fashion. Patients with advanced wear require longer treatment times and higher expenses for problems that will otherwise lead to continued breakdown and potential tooth loss.
In order to repair teeth that have moved position, it is often necessary to reposition the teeth first before adding back to the parts that have worn away, and this requires orthodontics. Simple cases may be candidates for treatment such as Invisalign, but more complex cases benefit from traditional brackets and arch-wires. Fortunately, there are many cosmetic options for patients concerned about the appearance of braces including tooth colored brackets and braces that are hidden behind your teeth.
We tell patients all the time that braces are not just for teenagers. There are many very tangible benefits to having straight teeth. They function better, they are easier to keep clean, they are easier to repair, and ultimately, they LOOK better! If you are concerned about changes in your bite or the appearance of your teeth, be sure to ask us if orthodontics is an option for you.
If you have questions about this article, or if you are looking for a dentist in Winter Park, Florida, please call us at (407)644-2700 or visit our website.